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Here’s 3 ways to crush your job search in 2023 with a free course on Onomy’s website from Jonathan!

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Ready to land your dream job? Use ZipRecruiter, where you can apply to jobs in less than 30 seconds. Get started today!

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Dice (Careers Website)

Want to apply to your dream jobs? Dice is the website for you!

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Amazon Web Services (AWS) Open Roles

Want to work at Amazon Web Services (AWS)? We've partnered with AWS to share their open roles with you here!

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Facet Wealth

Need help with financial planning? Facet Wealth helps you manage your finances. Sign-up for a free consultation!

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Morning Brew

Want to get the best news delivered to your inbox to help you land a job? Sign-up with Morning Brew below!

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These videos come from our YouTube channel. Don't forget to like and subscribe if you want to see more!



Jerry is an ex-googler who started out as an intern and within two years got promoted to Senior Ops Manager!! Crazy right?! With Jerry's tips you'll be a Noogler in no time. Keep in mind that even though this video is about how to get a job at Google, these tactics can be used when applying to any company. As long as you know how to find the right opportunities for you, how to create a good resume, and how to network on LinkedIn in 2021, you'll be all set.

These videos come from our YouTube channel. Don't forget to like and subscribe if you want to see more!



It's a common belief these days that resumes are being rejected by some sort of evil ATS / AI / Auto-Rejection / Resume Scanning / Automated HR Software. We decided to go undercover as a hiring manager considering subscribing to an ATS (Applicant Tracking System) so that we could ask the company directly if this feature exists. After narrowing it down to two of the most popular providers, Lever and Greenhouse, we decided to talk with Greenhouse ATS to try to get some answers.

These videos come from our YouTube channel. Don't forget to like and subscribe if you want to see more!

These videos come from our YouTube channel. Don't forget to like and subscribe if you want to see more!

These videos come from our YouTube channel. Don't forget to like and subscribe if you want to see more!


AAPI Leadership And Workplace Representation Panel

As part of AAPI Heritage Month, we wanted to highlight some prominent AAPI voices in our community. Join Vikram Ravinder (Head of Program Operations @ Google), Harpreet Kaur (Sr. PM Lead @ ‎Microsoft), Jonathan Javier (CEO @ Wonsulting, Ex-Google/Cisco/Snap), Jerry Lee (COO @ Wonsulting, Ex-Google/Lucid) and Isabelle Lee (Partnerships Lead @ Wonsulting) on this video - whether you identify as a member of the AAPI community, or as an ally, this will be a conversation you won't want to miss!

These videos come from our YouTube channel. Don't forget to like and subscribe if you want to see more!


A Day in the Life of a Google Digital Strategy Lead

Ever wonder what it’s like to work at Google? Join Jonathan as he speaks to Google Digital Strategy Lead, Angela Le. Angela graduated from the University of California, Riverside with a bachelors in Marketing in 2016. She’s worked at Google for over a year during which time she’s been promoted from an Account Strategist to her current lead role. We’re so happy to have her on our Day In The Life Series and ask her how she landed her role at Google, what a digital lead strategist does, and what advice she has for anyone trying to break into Big Tech like Google!

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