The Best AI Tools for Job Search | WonsultingAI User Guide



WonsultingAI is changing the game of job applications. 

It’s an integrated suite of AI-driven job search tools designed for one core purpose: To make your job search not just easier, but also fairer.

With our suite of AI job search tools, we're leveling the playing field, ensuring everyone gets their shot at their dream job.

Take a look at how it works in this blog.

Why WonsultingAI?

All-In-One Approach

While most tools focus on a single aspect of the job hunt, WonsultingAI covers the whole spectrum. From crafting the perfect resume to matching you with fitting job openings, it ensures no stone remains unturned.

Global Reach

In the modern globalized world, opportunities are boundless. WonsultingAI scours international databases to ensure you're exposed to the best opportunities worldwide.

Time Efficiency

The suite's tools synchronize effectively, cutting down repetitive steps and ensuring you spend your time where it matters most - preparing for interviews and expanding your network. On average, job-seekers have gone from 1 hour to 15-20 minutes editing their resumes.

Continual Updates

The job market is ever-evolving, and so is WonsultingAI. Regular updates mean that users always have access to the latest tools, trends, and insights.

AI Tools for Job Search | Suite Features Include

  • ResumAI: Spend more time applying and less time writing. Just answer some questions about your work experience, skills, etc. and let ResumAI create your entire resume, formatting and all.
  • CoverLetterAI: Show them why you're perfect for the role with a professional level cover letter! Write it in seconds and get on with your life.
  • AutoApplyAI: Apply to more jobs in less time with AutoApplyAI! Because nobody wants to spend their time applying to jobs online. Literally nobody.
  • NetworkAI: Stop guessing and start networking like a pro. Learn who to connect with, what to say, and how to say it.
  • InterviewAI: Get more job offers by improving your interview skills with our personalized, virtual mock interviews.

WonsultingAI seamlessly integrates all these tools to offer a comprehensive and streamlined approach to job hunting.

Let’s take a look at how it all works together.

Making the Most of WonsultingAI

We all know job searching isn’t a walk in the park, but with WonsultingAI you can make it a little more enjoyable.

To take advantage of all the benefits that WonsultingAI has to offer, it’s important to understand how to use its features properly.

If you’re a first-time user, WonsultingAI works best when:

  1. You know your job target: Either have a specific job in mind or a job posting from a company site you're eyeing.
  2. You're ready with your resume: Use an existing one that needs a glow-up, or have a list of your skills and achievements at hand.
  3. You're familiar with your industry: Having a grasp of common industry terms and having done some research will be a plus!

Having these items at your disposal will make your user experience more streamlined.


  • Start by uploading your resume (a tad bit of formatting might be needed).
  • Use ResumAI's bullet generator to sharpen your resume points. Just copy and paste your skills and accomplishments in the space provided. Three options for you to choose from will pop up on the right.
  • Ensure those bullets align with a specific job title.
  • Aim for a score of at least 80 on our resume scorer for a top-notch resume!

READ MORE: Jerry Answers Your Most Asked Resume Questions


  • Having an existing cover letter isn’t required for this tool, but we recommend uploading your resume OR create one with ResumAI to get the best results. 
  • Once you have your resume ready, generating a cover letter is easy. All you need to do is upload your resume, then put in your target job title + company. That’s it!
  • Most importantly, ensure it's tailored to a specific job title.

READ MORE: Cover letter best practices and insights from our CEO, Jonathan Javier


  • With your AI generated resume and cover letter, aim to apply for at least 25 jobs weekly. With our Premium Plan, you can apply to a maximum of 200 jobs per month with this tool.
  • Again, make sure each application is tailored before clicking submit (seeing a trend here? 😅)
  • If it’s been a few weeks and you’re not seeing job results, broaden your search.
  • For instance, instead of a super-specific "Software Engineer in Milwaukee with 3-4 years of experience, remote", try a wider net like "Software Engineer, remote."

READ MORE: AutoApplyAI Step-by-Step Guide


  • Once you spot interesting jobs, hop onto NetworkAI to easily identify recruiters and hiring managers in your industry of interest.
  • Craft personalized messages to pros and recruiters based on your networking goals.
  • Whether you're seeking an interview, deepening industry connections, broadening your network, or just following up, choose the message that fits best.


  • Ready to start your interview prep? This tools stimulates any mock job interview.
  • All you need to do is listen to the questions, speak normally and answer the questions. It'll even ask you follow up questions based on your answers!
  • When you're done with your mock interview, you'll be able to get a report on how you did based on content, speech and non-verbal communication.

READ MORE: The Best AI Interview Tool: InterviewAI

And there you have it, a comprehensive suite of AI tools, integrated together, to get you hired faster.


With WonsultingAI's suite of AI job search tools you can effortlessly refine resumes, craft targeted cover letters, streamline your job search, and grow meaningful professional connections. 

It's your one-stop-shop for a strategic and successful job hunt.

Head over to and try it out today!

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