How To Land an Internship! A Step-By-Step Guide with Resume Tips


Ken Burnette

Internships can make all the difference.  

And while they might seem like just another thing to check off your to-do list, they're actually super important for your career growth. Not only do they help you gain real-world experience, but they can also give you an edge when it comes to landing your dream job. So, let's dive into why internships are so valuable and how they can boost your resume 🌟

How Can My Internship Boost My Resume?

Finding a job after college can be difficult, especially since you might not have any work experience. Here's how getting an internship can help improve your resume and get you hired after graduation.

🎓 Gain Valuable Experience & Skills

Internships are like the ultimate training ground for your future career. You'll get hands-on experience in your target field, learn new skills, and see how theories you've studied in class apply to the real world. Plus, you'll get to work on actual projects, helping you understand the ins and outs of your industry.

💼 Stand Out From the Competition

Employers love seeing internships on a resume. Why? It shows that you've got the experience, you've taken the initiative, and you're serious about your career. Plus, internships can help you stand out from the competition when you're applying for jobs or grad school.

🌐 Expand Your Network

Internships give you a chance to meet professionals in your field, which can lead to valuable connections and even job opportunities down the line. Plus, you'll make friends with other interns, creating a support system of like-minded peers who are also navigating the early stages of their careers.

🔍 Discover Your Passions

Not sure if you're on the right career path? Internships can help you figure it out. By getting a taste of different roles and industries, you can learn what you enjoy (and what you don't). You might even discover new interests that you never knew you had!

💡 Develop Soft Skills

In addition to technical know-how, internships can help you develop essential soft skills like teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. These are the skills that employers are always looking for, no matter what field you're in.

🚀 Improve Your Job Prospects

Did you know that some internships can lead to full-time job offers? Many companies use internships as a way to evaluate potential employees, so if you make a great impression, you might just land a job before you even graduate!

Now that you know how important an internship can be, let's explore how to land one.

How do I land an internship?

A girl biting her pencil while looking at a computer.

Let’s explain with an example.

Many of us want jobs in tech, and software developer roles are pretty popular right now, so we’ll use the example of an intern applying for an AI software developer position at Nvidia.

🔍 Step 1: Research the Company

Begin by learning about Nvidia's corporate culture, mission and values. Research their products, such as GPUs and AI software development platforms. This will help you understand what they’re all about. Follow Nvidia on social media and subscribe to their newsletter to stay updated on company news and announcements.

🔎 Step 2: Find the Right Internship Position

Visit Nvidia's official careers page and search for AI software developer internships or similar roles. Filter by location, department, or experience level to narrow down the search results. You can also set up job alerts on platforms like LinkedIn or Glassdoor to get notified about new opportunities.

📝 Step 3: Tailor Your Resume and Cover Letter

Customize your resume to highlight your skills and experiences relevant to the AI software development role. Showcase your proficiency in programming languages (e.g., Python, C++), machine learning frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch) and other relevant tools or technologies. Write a compelling cover letter (with CoverLetterAI) that explains your interest in Nvidia, the role, and how you can contribute to the company's success.

📥 Step 4: Submit Your Application

Apply for the internship through Nvidia's online application portal. Be prepared to provide your resume, cover letter, transcripts, and any additional documents they may require (such as a portfolio or letters of recommendation). Make sure your resume is perfect with our free resume resource or try ResumAI for free. 

🎙️ Step 5: Prepare for the Interview

Once you've been shortlisted, you'll likely be invited to an interview. Research common AI software development interview questions and practice answering them. Brush up on your technical knowledge, algorithms, and data structures. During the interview, showcase your problem-solving skills and enthusiasm for the role.

📬 Step 6: Follow Up

After the interview, send a thank-you email to the interviewer! Express your gratitude for the opportunity and reaffirm your interest in the role. This follow-up can help you stand out among other candidates.

🏢 Step 7: First Day at Nvidia

Once you've secured the internship, plan your first day carefully. Dress professionally, arrive early, and bring any required documents, like your ID or social security card. Introduce yourself to your teammates and supervisors, and make sure to ask questions when needed. Be proactive in learning about the company's software development processes, tools, and expectations.

🌟 Step 8: Make the Most of Your Internship

Throughout your internship, take advantage of opportunities to learn, network, and grow. Attend company events, collaborate with your peers, and seek feedback from your supervisors. Always strive to make a positive impact and demonstrate your commitment to the team and the company.

By following these steps, you'll be well-prepared to land an AI software developer internship at Nvidia and make the most of the experience. 

And remember, these steps work for almost any internship you’re interested in.

Here’s how we can help you get the most out of your internship!

📚 Educational Resources: We offer a range of free resources, including blog posts, and YouTube videos, to keep you informed about the latest industry trends and insights, so you're always prepared for the competitive job market.

🤖WonsultingAI: We have a total suite of free-to-try AI tools to help you in your job search. They’re great for helping you find internships.

🌟 Resume Writing: We can write your resume for you if you want 😀

🎯 Interview Preparation: Our one-on-one interview coaching sessions are tailored to your specific needs, helping you build confidence and master the skills required to ace those crucial internship interviews.

Remember, our goal is to support you in your journey towards landing your dream internship and ultimately, kickstarting a successful career. 

We're here to help every step of the way, offering guidance, encouragement, and the tools you need to excel!

What about after my internship?

So, your internship is over. Now you need to make sure to get the most out of it on your resume!

Here’s exactly what to do to your resume after you’re done with your internship:

🏆 Quantify Your Achievements

Instead of just listing your responsibilities, show how your work made an impact. For example, instead of saying "Developed software features," write "Developed 3 software features that improved user experience by 20%."

🔧 Showcase Relevant Skills

Highlight the technical and soft skills you gained during your internship. For a software intern, mention specific programming languages, frameworks, or tools you used, like "Proficient in Python, Java, and React."

✍️ Use Action Verbs 

Start your bullet points with action verbs to make your accomplishments sound more impressive. For example, "Implemented," "Optimized," or "Collaborated."

🎯 Tailor Your Resume

Customize your resume for each job application by emphasizing the most relevant internship experiences for the position you're applying for.

4 fists together in a circle at the office

💼 Highlight Teamwork and Collaboration

Employers value candidates who can work well with others. Mention instances where you collaborated with a team or cross-functional groups, such as "Worked with a team of 5 developers to design and implement a new feature."

🖥 Include Specific Projects 

Describe significant projects you worked on during your internship, including the project's purpose, your role, and the outcome. For example, "Developed a mobile app for tracking inventory, resulting in a 15% reduction in processing time."

⏳ Showcase Problem-Solving Abilities 

Show how you tackled challenges or identified areas for improvement during your internship. For example, "Identified and resolved a critical bug in the system, increasing the software's stability by 30%."

🖇 Emphasize Your Adaptability 

Mention instances where you quickly learned new skills, technologies, or methodologies to address changing needs. For example, "Rapidly learned the Agile methodology to effectively contribute to sprint planning and daily stand-ups."

🎖 Include Any Recognition or Awards

If you received any accolades during your internship, such as "Intern of the Month" or a shoutout from your manager, be sure to mention it on your resume.

✏️ Make Use of a Strong Summary

Start your resume with a compelling summary that highlights your internship experience, skills, and career goals. For example, "Software engineering student with a strong background in Java and Python, seeking a full-time role to leverage hands-on experience gained during a successful internship at XYZ Software Company."

Internships are a great way to kickstart your career and gain valuable experience!

Not only will they help you develop new skills and expand your network, but they can also set you apart from other job candidates when it comes time to apply for your dream job. So, take advantage of internship opportunities and make the most of them! Follow the steps we've outlined in this guide to land your ideal internship, and use the tips we've provided to make your resume stand out. 

And remember, Wonsulting is here to support you every step of the way, with resources, AI tools, resume writing services, and interview coaching to help you succeed in your career journey! 

Ken Burnette
Senior Copywriter & Voice of Wonsulting

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