How to Answer These 10 Short Answer Interview Questions



Picture this: You're about to enter a Zoom call, palms slightly sweaty, heart racing, as you await the Hiring Manager for the crucial job interview. 

You've spent countless hours polishing your resume, researching the company, and rehearsing your elevator pitch. 

But there's still one thing that keeps nagging at the back of your mind—how to answer those dreaded interview questions?

It’s normal to feel anxious about these questions.

After all, they hold the key to unlocking the doors of your dream job. From inquiries about your strengths and weaknesses to envisioning your future, answering interview questions can be challenging and nerve-wracking. 

But that’s where Wonsulting comes in! 

With the right preparation and guidance, you can confidently navigate through these common interview questions.

In this blog post, we will delve into the art of answering 10 of the most common interview questions. Whether you're a seasoned professional looking to brush up on your interview skills or a recent graduate preparing for your first big job opportunity, we've got you covered. 

Discover valuable insights, proven strategies, and sample responses from Jonathan and Jerry to help you craft compelling answers that make a lasting impression on your potential employers.

Let’s get started!

1. Tell me about yourself.

When someone asks you to tell them about yourself, they don’t actually mean your whole life story.

You’re going to want to start off with an introduction, then move into your past experience, current experience, and say what you’re looking for in your next role. The goal is to make this introduction between one to one-and-a-half minutes long.

Here’s an example of how Jonathan would answer this short answer interview question:

My name is Jonathan Javier, and I’m a recent first Gen graduate from the University of California. I am currently working as a Product Ops Analyst at SnapChat with # experience in strategy and operations. In my past experiences, I’ve worked in strategy and operations at companies such as Kohl’s and Sherwin-Williams which has grown my skills in analytics and go-to-market strategies. What I’m looking for in my next role is to be in a position where I can leverage my skills in go-to-market to scale businesses by 10x.

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2. Why this company?

The best way to answer this question is to mention the company’s values, mission, and passion and explain how it’s related to you. 

You can do this two different ways by showcasing personal and professional experiences related to that company so they can see that you have relevant skills and qualifications to bring to the table. 

The first way to answer is by providing 3 examples and briefly explaining why. 

For example you can choose to talk about fulfillment, growth and advancement and impact

Here is an example script that Jonathan used when interviewing for Facebook:

Job Fulfillment: Something I advocate for is job fulfillment, where you see your job as not just a job but something you look forward to everyday because you’re doing something you love. By learning about Facebook’s culture of being impactful, while also fun, and reading the responsibilities of the position, I believe I will be able to help make impactful decisions through data and working with cross-functional teams.
Growth and advancement: Facebook continues to grow its user bases every quarter with new projects, implementations and acquisitions. A company that is consistently looking to grow not only in a scalable way but also their employees skill sets are important to me. Technology is quickly advancing, specifically social networks and its usage, so I’d love to be a part of those changes. “The journey is 1% finished,” I want to continue the journey and bring the world closer together.
Amount of impact: I want to be in a position where I can make an impact, grow, launch new products, and be with people who have the same aspirations as me. Just as Facebook’s mission is to give people the power to do the same which is why I do my career consulting. Through all of my experiences connecting with people from Facebook, I’ve had great conversations with these individuals and they’ve been able to make an impact on my own career.

The second way to answer the question is by diving deep into one example and showcasing how that company made an impact on you.

Here’s an example prompt to build off of:

The reason why I want to work here is because of XYZ. Add a few sentences on the story of why you want to work there along with a few sentences on why X company has helped you get where you are today.

READ MORE: Interview Tips That Landed Us Offers at Snapchat, Google, Microsoft, LinkedIn, Accenture, Udemy and more

3. What is your greatest strength?

My greatest strength is being able to binge-watch an entire series on Netflix in one day. 

And while this may be a strength in persistence and dedication, it’s probably not the best example to give during a job interview 😅

The right way to answer this question is to think about your strengths and look back at the job description. Choose a strength that directly relates to the position you're interviewing for. It could be a technical skill, a personal attribute, or a combination of both. Ideally, the strength you choose should be valuable and beneficial in the context of the job.

Incorporate a specific example that really drives your strength by describing a situation where you successfully utilized your strength and achieved positive results.

Here’s an example answer:

One of my greatest strengths is my strong attention to detail. In my previous role as a quality assurance analyst, I was responsible for reviewing complex software systems. I consistently demonstrated meticulous attention to detail by identifying and rectifying potential issues before they affected the end users. For instance, during a critical testing phase, I noticed a small coding error that had the potential to cause significant problems. I immediately reported it to the development team, and by resolving the issue promptly, we prevented a major software malfunction.
In this position, I believe my attention to detail will be valuable in ensuring accuracy and precision in project deliverables. I'm confident that I can contribute to maintaining high-quality standards and minimizing errors. Furthermore, I am constantly seeking ways to enhance my attention to detail by staying updated on industry best practices and using tools and techniques to streamline processes.
I understand that this role requires meticulousness and thoroughness, and I'm excited to leverage my strength in contributing to the success of the team.

4. What is your greatest weakness?

This question is all about self awareness and growth. You want to select a weakness that is not crucial to the job you're applying for, but still relevant enough to show your honesty and willingness to grow.

Once you’ve decided on a weakness, think about how you’re actively improving it. Showcase your progression and the steps you’re taking to overcome your weakness. This could include seeking additional training, participating in relevant workshops or courses, or leveraging resources to enhance your skills. Emphasize your proactive approach to self-improvement.

Relate your weakness to the job and explain how it will not affect your performance or productivity because you are actively addressing the weakness and making improvements. It’s all about a growth mindset.

Here’s an example of how of how to answer this short answer interview question:

One area that I have been actively working on improving is my public speaking skills. In the past, I used to feel nervous when presenting in front of large audiences, which sometimes affected my ability to effectively communicate my ideas. Recognizing this as an opportunity for growth, I sought out opportunities to enhance my public speaking abilities.
Over the past year, I have enrolled in a public speaking course and have actively volunteered to give presentations during team meetings and company-wide events. Additionally, I joined a local toastmasters club where I regularly practice speaking in front of a supportive audience and receive constructive feedback. These efforts have significantly improved my confidence, clarity, and overall delivery during presentations.
While public speaking is not a core requirement for this role, it occasionally involves presenting ideas or updates to cross-functional teams. I am confident that my continued commitment to improving my public speaking skills will allow me to effectively communicate and convey my thoughts in a clear and compelling manner.
I believe in continuous learning and personal growth, and I am always open to feedback and new opportunities to enhance my abilities. I embrace challenges as opportunities for development and remain dedicated to improving myself both personally and professionally.

READ MORE: How to Ace Your Next Interview in 26 Steps: Guide for 2023

5. Where do you see yourself in five years?

Five years may seem like a long time, but it's important to provide a response that demonstrates your ambition, goals, and alignment with the potential growth opportunities within the company.

Start off by showcasing your enthusiasm for working in the role you’re interested in and how you’re excited about contributing to the growth and success of the company.

Then explain what you envision your skills and responsibilities will be in five years and how you plan on developing your knowledge for the role through personal and professional development. Relate this to the company’s goals and objectives and explain how they both intertwine.

Add in some goals that you would like to reach in five years. This could include taking on leadership roles, leading important projects, acquiring new certifications, or making a significant impact within your area of expertise. Be ambitious, but ensure your goals are realistic and attainable.

Here’s an example of how to answer this question:

In the next five years, I see myself as a key contributor to the company's growth and success. I am excited about the opportunity to work with such a reputable organization and contribute to its mission. In the short term, I am eager to excel in the role I am applying for by delivering exceptional results and exceeding expectations.
As I progress in my career, I aspire to take on increasing levels of responsibility and leadership. Within five years, I envision myself in a managerial role where I can leverage my expertise to lead a team and drive strategic initiatives. I would also like to develop specialized skills in areas such as project management and data analysis, which are crucial for achieving operational efficiency and making informed business decisions.
Furthermore, I am committed to staying updated on emerging technologies and industry trends. I plan to attend relevant conferences, pursue additional certifications, and actively seek out learning opportunities to ensure my skills remain current and aligned with the evolving needs of the company.
While I have set these goals for myself, I also understand that the future is dynamic, and new opportunities may arise. I am flexible and open to exploring different paths that align with my passions and the company's direction. Ultimately, my goal is to make a meaningful impact, contribute to the company's growth, and continue learning and developing as a professional.

6. Give me an example of a time where you did something wrong. How did you handle it?

Before answering this question, you might want to reflect on your work experience and think of a time when you made a mistake. Don’t start randomly talking about a situation that you just remembered on the spot. It’s best to prepare an answer beforehand.

Follow this format to make your answer clear to the interviewer.

  1. Set the context
  2. Describe the mistake
  3. Take ownership and responsibility
  4. Detail your actions
  5. Communicate openly and honestly
  6. Collaborate for a solution
  7. Implement preventative measures
  8. Demonstrate learning and growth
  9. Highlight the outcome

Here’s an example of how to answer this question:

In my previous role, I was responsible for managing a complex project with multiple stakeholders. During one phase of the project, I made an error in the budget calculations, resulting in an incorrect financial forecast. Upon realizing the mistake, I immediately took ownership of the situation and took proactive steps to address it.
First, I analyzed the impact of the error and determined the magnitude of the discrepancy. I quickly communicated the issue to the project team and key stakeholders involved, providing them with a clear explanation of what went wrong and the potential consequences. I emphasized my commitment to rectifying the situation and ensuring minimal disruption to the project.
Next, I worked closely with the finance department to rectify the budget calculations. Together, we carefully reviewed the financial data, identified the root cause of the error, and implemented corrective measures to adjust the budget accurately. I also collaborated with the stakeholders to update them on the progress and reassure them that the project's financial integrity would be restored.
Throughout the process, I maintained open and transparent communication with all parties involved, sharing regular updates on the steps taken to rectify the mistake. I acknowledged the importance of accountability and actively sought feedback from colleagues and superiors to identify areas where additional checks and balances could be implemented to prevent similar errors in the future.
To prevent such mistakes from recurring, I implemented a double-check system for financial calculations, where a colleague would review my work before finalizing any budget or financial forecasts. This practice not only helped in avoiding errors but also fostered a collaborative environment and ensured greater accuracy and reliability in our financial processes.
Ultimately, my response to the mistake was focused on taking immediate responsibility, addressing the issue transparently, and actively collaborating with others to find a solution. I believe that mistakes happen, but what's essential is how we handle them and what we learn from them. This experience taught me the importance of meticulous attention to detail and reinforced my commitment to open communication, collaboration, and continuous improvement.

READ MORE: 10 Problems Job Seekers Have and How to Solve Them

7. What do you see yourself doing within the first 30 days of this job?

This question is all about understanding how your role fits within the company. 

You’ll want to show how you will integrate with your team, understand your role, and how you will make meaningful contributions to the organization’s success.

There are 7 areas that you can mention in your response such as learning and onboarding, building relationships, grasping job responsibilities, setting goals and expectations, absorbing company culture and values, and seeking feedback and improvement. 

Here’s an example of how to answer this question:

Within the first 30 days of this job, I envision myself focusing on the following key areas:
Learning and onboarding: I will dedicate time to thoroughly understand the company's policies, procedures, and culture. I will familiarize myself with the team structure, meet my colleagues, and seek guidance from my manager or mentor. I will dive into any available training materials or resources to quickly gain a comprehensive understanding of the job requirements and expectations.
Building relationships: I will actively engage with team members and colleagues across different departments to establish strong working relationships. By seeking opportunities to collaborate and learn from others, I aim to create a positive and supportive network within the organization. I will proactively schedule introductory meetings to gain insights into each team member's responsibilities, goals, and how our roles may intersect.
Grasping job responsibilities: I will prioritize understanding the specifics of my role and responsibilities. I will review any project assignments or tasks that have been assigned to me and seek clarification if needed. By aligning my understanding of expectations, I will ensure that I can hit the ground running and contribute effectively to the team's goals.
Setting goals and expectations: In collaboration with my manager, I will work on establishing short-term and achievable goals for my first 30 days. By understanding the priorities and objectives of the team and the company, I will align my efforts accordingly. I will seek feedback on my progress to ensure I'm meeting expectations and making a positive impact.
Absorbing company culture and values: I will actively immerse myself in the company's culture and values. By observing and participating in team meetings, events, and initiatives, I will gain insights into the organization's core principles. I will strive to embody these values in my daily work and interactions with colleagues.
Contributing to projects and tasks: I will aim to contribute to ongoing projects and tasks as soon as possible. By actively participating and providing assistance where needed, I can demonstrate my skills, dedication, and value to the team. I will seek opportunities to take ownership of specific tasks or initiatives to showcase my ability to deliver results.
Seeking feedback and improvement: I believe in continuous improvement, and I will proactively seek feedback from my manager and colleagues. By actively listening to feedback and incorporating it into my work, I can enhance my performance and contribute more effectively to the team's objectives.

8. What salary are you seeking?

Talking about money is always a headache.

But talking about money during an interview puts a value on your skills and expertise. It’s important to know your worth and make sure that the salary you’re seeking is in line with industry standards.

When a company asks you for a number first, our co-founder Jerry, has the best response to this short answer interview question:

Without knowing the full details and scope about this role, it’s hard for me to throw out a fair market rate. But if you have a number in mind, I’m happy to react to it. 

9. Tell me about a time where you had to deal with conflict on the job.

Companies aren’t too interested in what the conflict was. They just want to know you handled the conflict.

For this response, you’ll want to emphasize your ability to handle the situation professionally, promote open communication, and facilitate a resolution that benefits all parties involved. Focus on your conflict management skills, such as active listening, empathy, and fostering collaboration.

Here’s an explain of a detailed response:

In a previous role, I faced a conflict between two team members regarding a critical project. The conflict arose due to differing perspectives on the project's approach and conflicting ideas on the best path to achieve our goals. To address the conflict effectively and promote a more harmonious team dynamic, I took the following steps:
Active listening and understanding: I met individually with both team members to understand their viewpoints, concerns, and proposed solutions. By providing a safe and supportive environment, I encouraged open dialogue and empathetically listened to their perspectives.
Constructive conversation: I organized a meeting with both team members to address the conflict directly. During the discussion, I ensured a structured and respectful approach, allowing each person to express their thoughts while maintaining neutrality.
Seeking common ground: The meeting focused on finding shared objectives and areas of agreement. By highlighting common goals, we shifted the focus to the project's success and explored potential compromises that merged their perspectives.
Encouraging empathy: I emphasized the importance of empathy within the team, encouraging both members to consider each other's viewpoints. By fostering empathy, we created an environment where everyone felt heard and respected.
Collaborative solution: Through open dialogue and active participation, we developed a solution that integrated strengths from both perspectives. This modified approach effectively addressed their concerns, fostering a more balanced project outcome.
Monitoring and follow-up: I maintained open communication with the team members to ensure a smooth implementation of the new approach. I monitored progress, provided support, and encouraged ongoing collaboration to prevent further conflicts.
This experience taught me valuable lessons in conflict resolution, including the significance of active communication, empathy, and collaboration. By embracing diverse perspectives and finding common ground, I fostered a more harmonious and productive team dynamic.

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10. Why should we hire you?

They want to know how you can execute. For this short answer response, tie in the value and mission of the company.

Jonathan agreed with Charney’s response to this question. She is also a Resume Expert on TikTok.

In the first 30 days, what you can expect from me as your new employee is that I’m going to build relationships. I’m going to understand this role so that I can become a subject matter expert and someone that you can trust. I also personally love the value that you have as a company and I also think that this position aligns with my career path. So if you brought me onto your team, I know that I will be a value add and I’m confident that I can execute this role. 


As you embark on your journey towards mastering interview questions, remember that preparation and practice are key. By arming yourself with the knowledge and strategies shared in this blog post, you are already one step ahead in standing out among the competition.

Confidence and authenticity are the secret ingredients to leaving a lasting impression during your interviews. Embrace your unique experiences, skills, and aspirations, and let them shine through in your responses. Remember that every question is an opportunity to showcase your potential and demonstrate your fit for the role.

Now, go forth and conquer those interview questions with newfound confidence. Trust in your abilities, stay true to yourself, and approach each question with poise and clarity. You have what it takes to excel, and your dream job awaits.

Go out there and make a lasting impression!

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