Crafting the Perfect Cover Letter: How CoverLetterAI Can Help

Cover Letter


Cover Letter Required*


The dreaded cover letter. 


It's like the broccoli of the job application process - you know it's good for you, but it's not exactly the most exciting part of the meal đŸ„Š


But just like how broccoli can be transformed into a delicious and nutritious side dish with the right seasoning and cooking techniques, a cover letter can also become a powerful tool in your job search box 🧰


And with the help of free cover letter builders, such as CoverLetterAI, creating a professional and effective cover letter has never been easier. 


So let's spice up that cover letter and land that dream job, shall we?


3 Tips for Writing a Tastier Cover Letter for Recruiters


A cover letter is essentially a one-page document that gives hiring managers an overview of your skills, experience, and qualifications. It’s usually included with your resume when applying for jobs because it’s a place for you to explain why you’d be a good fit in the role and with the company.


In order to get your cover letter recruiter ready, you’re going to want to add these ingredients:


  • Tailor your cover letters to the job posting
  • Create a strategy for highlighting relevant skills and experience
  • Avoid writing about unrelated experiences


✍ Tailor your cover letters to the job posting

It’s very important not to send the same cover letter to different roles. Tailoring your cover letter to each job will help hiring managers see exactly why they should hire you. Take into consideration the information from the job description and qualifications to match your experience to the role. You’ll want to include specific examples from your work history that demonstrate your qualifications.


Research the company a bit and find out what their needs are from their mission, values, and goals. You’ll want to explain how you can contribute to their success.


đŸ‘©â€đŸ’» Create a strategy for highlighting relevant skills and experience

Before writing your cover letter, put together a list of your most relevant skills and experience. Then use the job description to match exactly what the company is looking for. You might even want to use a chart to make it easy to see. 


When you start writing, be sure to use action verbs to describe your skills and experience. For example, instead of saying "I have experience in customer service," say "I have provided exceptional customer service by responding to customer inquiries and resolving issues in a timely and professional manner."


Include numbers to show growth when explaining a project you worked on. For example, instead of saying "I increased sales," say "I increased sales by 20% by implementing a new marketing strategy."


❌ Avoid writing about unrelated experiences

Since space is limited, you’re going to need to stay focused on only including relevant information. It can be easy to go on a tangent and explain how awesome you are but remember, you have a small window of opportunity to impress the hiring manager.


Your cover letter should start with a simple introduction and include the job you are applying for and a brief overview of your relevant skills and experience.


In the body of your cover letter, include specific details of your experience. You should have these all mapped out from your strategy.


Conclude your cover letter by reiterating your interest in the position and enthusiasm for the opportunity. You want to leave a positive impression on the hiring manager. Let them know you look forward to following up a few days later.



With all your ingredients in place, let it simmer while you prepare the secret sauce from our top chef, Jonathan, who will answer your most common questions about cover letters.


1. Should I always include a cover letter with my job application?‍

👉 If the Cover Letter is optional, you don’t necessarily have to include it; however, if you have a Cover Letter which is tailored towards a job title or have used CoverLetterAI, it’s much easier to attach!


‍2. How long should my cover letter be?

👉 A Cover Letter should be no more than 3/4 of an A4 page. Typically, it consists of an Intro (About Your Background), Body (What skills you bring to the table), and Ending (How to Contact You).


3. How do I address my cover letter if I don't know the hiring manager's name?

👉 Simply put “(Company) Hiring Team”!


4. Should I customize my cover letter for each job application?

👉 Similar to a resume, you should tailor your cover letter to each job title. Tailoring a cover letter to each job you apply to would take hours on end, unless you use something like CoverLetterAI.


5. Can I use a template or a cover letter generator to create my cover letter?

👉 Yes! I’d highly recommend using our Cover Letter Template or CoverLetterAI.


6. How do I make my cover letter stand out from the rest?

👉 A way to get your cover letter to stand out is to make sure you include all of the relevant skills and experiences you bring to the table. You can also convert your CoverLetter into a LinkedIn message and identify the recruiter/hiring manager using NetworkAI.


7. Should I include my salary requirements in my cover letter?

👉 Nope! You’ll discuss salary requirements in your interview or this information should be in the job description.


Benefits of Using a Free Cover Letter Builder

If writing your own cover letter sounds like a headache, don’t worry, we’ve got an AI for that. It’s called CoverLetterAI, and it’s part of our suite of AI tools to help you get hired faster.


Using a free cover letter builder like CoverLetterAI can help you:


  • Save time
  • Customize your cover with pre-formatted templates
  • Professionally write a grammar-free and concise cover letter
  • Automate cover letter content from your skills and qualifications


And if it feels like it’s cheating, it’s not! Our AI is not detected on ATS systems, at least we don’t think it is. 

How to Use CoverLetterAI

CoverLetterAI can be found on You’ll want to log in or create an account to get started.


1. Select CoverLetterAI  

2. Import your resume or make a resume with ResumAI

3. Tell us what you’re using this cover letter for and click generate

4. Ta-Da! Your cover letter is ready to go! Feel free to use our customized templates before you download your cover letter.


In conclusion, crafting a cover letter may not be the most thrilling activity, but it's certainly an important one. 


With the right ingredients (skills and experience) and a well-crafted recipe (a killer cover letter) you'll be serving up some serious job offers in no time. 


And if you're still feeling intimidated, don't fret - when you sign up for CoverLetterAI for the first time, you’ll be able to create 2 free cover letters. 


So go ahead, put on your chef hat, and whip up a cover letter masterpiece that will have employers drooling over your skills and begging to hire you!


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